namespace :hairstyles do desc 'Create the hairstyles' task create: :environment do PaperTrail.enabled = false puts 'Creating hairstyles' count = Hairstyle.count XIVData.sheet('CharaMakeCustomize', raw: true).each do |custom| next if custom['HintItem'] == '0' item = Item.find_by(id: custom['HintItem']) next unless item.present? && item.name_en.match?('Aesthetics') data = { id: custom['Data'] } # Set the Hairstyle name to the item name sans the "Modern Aesthetics" %w(en de fr ja).each do |locale| data["name_#{locale}"] = sanitize_name(item["name_#{locale}"]) .gsub(/.*(?:- |:|“(?=\w))(.*)/, '\1') .delete('“”') end data.merge!(item.slice(:description_en, :description_de, :description_fr, :description_ja)) data[:item_id] = if item.tradeable? if existing = Hairstyle.find_by(id: data[:id]) existing.update!(data) if updated?(existing, data) else Hairstyle.create!(data) end # Create the hairstyle images path = Rails.root.join('public/images/hairstyles', custom['Data']) Dir.mkdir(path) unless Dir.exist?(path) output_path = path.join("#{custom['Icon']}.png") create_image(nil, XIVData.icon_path(custom['Icon'], hd: true), output_path) # Use the first image as a sample of the hairstyle sample_path = Rails.root.join('public/images/hairstyles/samples', "#{custom['Data']}.png") FileUtils.cp(output_path, sample_path) unless File.exists?(sample_path) end # Create the Eternal Bonding hairstyle which lacks an item unlock Hairstyle.find_or_create_by!(id: 228, patch: '2.4', name_en: 'Eternal Bonding', name_de: 'Eternal Bonding', name_fr: 'Eternal Bonding', name_ja: 'Eternal Bonding') create_hair_spritesheets puts "Created #{Hairstyle.count - count} new hairstyles" end desc 'Sets Vierable hairstyles' task vierify: :environment do PaperTrail.enabled = false puts 'Vierifying hairstyles' Hairstyle.where(id: [72, 243, 303, 420, 421]).update_all(vierable: true) end end