require 'xiv_data' namespace :npcs do desc 'Create the NPCs' task create: :environment do puts 'Creating NPCs' counts = { npc: NPC.count, npc_card: NPCCard.count, npc_reward: NPCReward.count, locations: Location.count } # Find all of the Triple Triad NPC Residents and create the base NPC object puts ' Fetching resident data' npcs = XIVData.sheet('ENpcBase').each_with_object({}) do |npc, h| npc.each do |k, v| if k&.match?('ENpcData') && v&.match(/TripleTriad#(\d+)/) id = $1.to_i h.delete_if { |_, npc| npc[:id] == id } # Delete duplicates to ensure we use the last NPC in the data h[npc['#']] = { id: id, resident_id: npc['#'].to_i } break end end end %w(en fr de ja).each do |locale| XIVData.sheet('ENpcResident', locale: locale).each do |npc| if npcs.has_key?(npc['#']) npcs[npc['#']]["name_#{locale}"] = sanitize_name(npc['Singular']) end end end # Find the associated Level data for each NPC Resident and add the location data puts ' Fetching location coordinate data' XIVData.sheet('Level', raw: true).each do |level| if npcs.has_key?(level['Object']) npcs[level['Object']].merge!(x: level['X'].to_f, y: level['Z'].to_f, map_id: level['Map']) end end map_ids = npcs.values.pluck(:map_id).uniq # Look up the relevant maps and set the coordinate data maps = XIVData.sheet('Map', raw: true).each_with_object({}) do |map, h| if map_ids.include?(map['#']) h[map['#']] = { region_id: map['PlaceName{Region}'].to_i, location_id: map['PlaceName'].to_i, x_offset: map['Offset{X}'].to_f, y_offset: map['Offset{Y}'].to_f, size_factor: map['SizeFactor'].to_f } end end npcs.each do |id, npc| if map = maps[npc.delete(:map_id)] npc[:location_id] = map[:location_id] npc[:x] = get_coordinate(npc[:x], map[:x_offset], map[:size_factor]) npc[:y] = get_coordinate(npc[:y], map[:y_offset], map[:size_factor]) else # Skip and delete weird duplicate Battlehall NPCs with nil locations npcs.delete(id) next end end # Create the NPC locations puts ' Fetching location name data' locations = %w(en fr de ja).each_with_object({})) do |locale, h| places = XIVData.sheet('PlaceName', locale: locale, drop_zero: false).map { |place| place['Name']} maps.values.each do |map| h[map[:location_id]] = h[map[:location_id]].merge("name_#{locale}" => places[map[:location_id]], "region_#{locale}" => places[map[:region_id]]) end end locations.each do |id, data| Location.find_or_create_by!(data.merge(id: id)) end # Add their opponent data puts ' Fetching opponent data' XIVData.sheet('TripleTriad').each do |opponent| npc = npcs.values.find { |val| val[:id] == opponent['#'].to_i } next unless npc.present? npc[:rewards] = opponent.each_with_object([]) do |(k, v), a| if k.match?('Item{PossibleReward}') && v.present? a << Card.where('BINARY name_en like ?', "%#{v.sub(/ Card$/, '')}%") end end end XIVData.sheet('TripleTriad', raw: true).each do |opponent| npc = npcs.values.find { |val| val[:id] == opponent['#'].to_i } next unless npc.present? npc[:fixed_cards] = [] npc[:variable_cards] = [] npc[:rules] = [] opponent.each do |k, v| if k.match?('PreviousQuest\[') && v != '0' npc[:quest_id] = v.to_i elsif k.match?('TripleTriadCard{Fixed}') && v != '0' npc[:fixed_cards] << v elsif k.match?('TripleTriadCard{Variable}') && v != '0' npc[:variable_cards] << v elsif k.match?('TripleTriadRule') && v != '0' npc[:rules] << Rule.find_by(id: v) end end end # Create the NPCs and their cards npcs.values.each do |data| fixed_cards = data.delete(:fixed_cards) variable_cards = data.delete(:variable_cards) rewards = data.delete(:rewards) # Create or update the NPC if npc = NPC.find_by(id: data[:id]) data.except!('name_en', 'name_de', 'name_fr', 'name_ja', :quest_id, :rules) npc.update!(data) if updated?(npc, data) else npc = NPC.create!(data) end fixed_cards.each do |card| NPCCard.find_or_create_by!(npc_id:, card_id: card, fixed: true) end variable_cards.each do |card| NPCCard.find_or_create_by!(npc_id:, card_id: card, fixed: false) end rewards.each do |card| NPCReward.find_or_create_by!(npc_id:, card_id: card) end difficulty = weighted_average(npc.fixed_cards, npc.fixed_cards.length) + weighted_average(npc.variable_cards, 5 - npc.fixed_cards.length) npc.update!(difficulty: difficulty) npc.update!(patch: npc.rewards.pluck(:patch).min) unless npc.patch.present? end counts.each do |klass, count| class_name = klass.to_s.classify puts "Created #{class_name.constantize.send(:count) - count} new #{class_name}s" end end end def get_coordinate(value, map_offset, size_factor) scale = size_factor / 100.0 offset = (value + map_offset) * scale (((41.0 / scale) * ((offset + 1024.0) / 2048.0)) + 1).round(1) end def weighted_average(cards, count) return 0 if count == 0 cards.average(:stars) * (count / 5.0) end