I, [2019-02-19T15:42:02.285469 #24334] INFO -- : [] method=GET path=/ format=html controller=HomeController action=index status=500 error='ActionView::Template::Error: The asset "aymeric.png" is not present in the asset pipeline.' duration=13.31 view=0.00 F, [2019-02-19T15:42:02.286925 #24334] FATAL -- : [] F, [2019-02-19T15:42:02.286992 #24334] FATAL -- : [] ActionView::Template::Error (The asset "aymeric.png" is not present in the asset pipeline.): F, [2019-02-19T15:42:02.287211 #24334] FATAL -- : [] 52: friends' collections. [] 53:

[] 54:
[] 55: <%= image_tag 'aymeric.png', class: 'mx-auto hide-xs' %> [] 56:
[] 57:

[] 58: Look up full card information by name with the ttcard command, F, [2019-02-19T15:42:02.287254 #24334] FATAL -- : [] F, [2019-02-19T15:42:02.287302 #24334] FATAL -- : [] app/views/home/index.html.erb:55:in `_app_views_home_index_html_erb__4504040201787390179_47328098768120' I, [2019-02-19T15:46:26.259948 #27196] INFO -- : [] method=GET path=/ format=html controller=HomeController action=index status=200 duration=32.21 view=24.39 I, [2019-02-19T15:46:26.358733 #27196] INFO -- : [] method=GET path=/404 format=html controller=HomeController action=not_found status=302 duration=1.39 view=0.00 location=https://ffxivtriad.akurosia.de/ I, [2019-02-19T15:46:26.388241 #27196] INFO -- : [] method=GET path=/404 format=*/* controller=HomeController action=not_found status=302 duration=0.95 view=0.00 location=https://ffxivtriad.akurosia.de/ I, [2019-02-19T15:46:26.423558 #27196] INFO -- : [] method=GET path=/ format=html controller=HomeController action=index status=200 duration=6.82 view=5.08 I, [2019-02-19T15:46:26.625678 #27196] INFO -- : [] method=GET path=/ format=*/* controller=HomeController action=index status=200 duration=172.82 view=43.82 I, [2019-02-19T15:46:27.415205 #27196] INFO -- : [] method=GET path=/404 format=html controller=HomeController action=not_found status=302 duration=1.18 view=0.00 location=https://ffxivtriad.akurosia.de/ I, [2019-02-19T15:46:27.450250 #27196] INFO -- : [] method=GET path=/ format=html controller=HomeController action=index status=200 duration=3.33 view=2.67